Aktualności i opinie


..:: PSYCHOTERAPIA 3/2002 ::..

Psychoterapia 3/2002

Szymon Chrząstowski
Wybrane poglądy na symbiozę w ujęciu różnych perspektyw teoretycznych  5
Some views on symbiosis in various theoretical perspectives  5
The author reviews the concept of symbiosis considered as an intrapsychic and behavioural condition. Attention is concentrated on an evolving status of this concept and resulting consequences for therapy. A special emphasis is put on theoretical framework developed by Werner and Green. Within this framework it is possible to distinguish both pathologic and advantageous aspects of symbiosis.

Anna Bodzek
Trudności separacyjne w rodzinie z nie dokończoną żałobą  17
Separation problems in a family without the experience of mourning  17
The article is an attempt to illustrate the connection between the difficulties in the process of separation and not experiencing mourning in a family. The described example of therapeutic work with the family is to present the above issues and to show the usefulness of re-experiencing the process of the mourning for gaining the capability to solve problems connected with children growing up. N. Paul named this kind of shared re-experiencing of the mourning process as "operational mourning". In a family, such an experience makes it possible to accept the loss and allows for not opposing changes constantly. The case presented in the article shows the process of reaching to the family's resource as a result of operational mourning having been experienced.

Maria Różańska, Marzena Krzanowska
Wybrane problemy psychologiczne związane z adopcją  27
Some selected problems connected with adoption  27
The article introduces some basic issues concerning legal and formal aspects of adoption and describes psychical situation of adoptive parents and an adoptive child at the beginning of the process of mutual adaptation. The burden of individual histories carried by both sides has significant influence on the way in which they meet their basic needs and on the emotional climate where, fear, helplessness, low self-esteem and irritability are dominating. The article presents basic expectations of adoptive parents concerning the child's intellectual achievements and emotional response in confrontation with frequent intellectual and emotional deficiencies in adoptive children. The last part of the article constitutes a report on psycho-educational and therapeutic work with a group of adoptive parents and candidates to become such parents that was aimed at improvement of their parental skills.

Paweł Glita, Katarzyna Starowicz
Psychoterapia młodzieży w wieku gimnazjalnym  37
Group psychotherapy of adolescents (from 13 to 16 years)  37
This article describes group psychotherapy for adolescent patients from the age of 13 to 16. It contains both descriptions of theoretical approach (psychodynamic) to this form of therapy and the author's own experiences over a period of three years. Issues like therapeutic goals, the diagnostic approach, the qualification criteria, the therapeutic process, transference and countertransference are discussed and conclusions made.

Iwona Kozłowska-Piwowarczyk
Opis prowadzenia i przebiegu terapii rodziny pacjentki z anoreksją  59
Family therapy with an anorexia patient - a case study  59
The article is a description of a case. It describes 1,5 year lasting therapeutic work carried out with 17-year old girl a student of 3 rd grade in a secondary school. She was diagnosed by endocrinologist to suffer from anorexia nervosa. Psychotherapy was carried out in the Family Therapy Team of Krakowski Ośrodek Terapii basing on principles and methodology of systemic family therapy and in the final stage supplement with individual sessions with the patient. The paper presents the process of supporting the family in experiencing a deep separational crisis, the symptom of which was the appearance of anorexia nervosa in a younger daughter. Verbalizing and defining the fears with which the family (coming from the country and now living in Cracow) was struggling, helped to accept inevitability of changes occurring during children s maturing. Moreover, it helped the family to establish their identity and the girl, growing up in such conditions, to find her place in both family and social life.

Magdalena Gulcz, Małgorzata Polak
Zastosowanie terapii poznawczo-behawioralnej w leczeniu wybranych zaburzeń lękowych: zespołu lęku napadowego i PTSD  77
Cognitive-behavioural therapy in treating selected anxiety disorders: panic disorder and PTSD  77
In this article, we try to present the chosen literature about cognitive-behavioural therapy of anxiety disorders such as panic disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We describe the main cognitive conceptualizations as well as treatment goals and methods of therapeutic work. We also review the research on the efficacy of the proposed kind of treatment.

Małgorzata Starzomska
Wykorzystanie komputerów multimedialnych w treningu kompetencji rodzicielskich  95
Modern computers in family therapy  95
New opportunities are available today to provide parent training in a variety of settings. The author describes interactive programs for training parents as PAW (Parenting Adolescents Wisely) and CAPP (The Computer-assisted Parenting Program). These programs are brief and requiring no trained staff for its delivery. Users receives feedback about their choice from the computer. Research has shown these programs to be effective at reducing problem behaviors in children, increasing parenting knowledge about parenting skills and improving family functioning. Interactive videodisc programs seem to be an interesting alternative for traditional family interventions. However barriers to dissemination of this approach include parents' discomfort with computers and the belief that interpersonal problems can only be solved in an interpersonal context.


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