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..:: Abstrakty Psychiatrii Polskiej 1991 ::..
Abstrakty Psychiatrii Polskiej 1991

Banas A. I Klinika Chorob Psychicznych, Gdansk. [Diagnosis of subclinical hepatic encephalopathy].Psychiatria Polska. 25(6):23-5, 1991.


Krzyminska E. Rossa G. Krzyminski S. Wojewodzki Szpital Specjalistyczny dla Nerwowo i Psychicznie Chorych, Ciborz. [Diagnostic scales of primary degenerative dementia].Psychiatria Polska. 25(6):26-7, 1991.


Krzyminska E. Rossa G. Krzyminski S. Wojewodzki Szpital Specjalistyczny dla Nerwowo, Psychicznie Chorych. [A modified vascular dementia scale].Psychiatria Polska. 25(6):28, 1991.


Jakubik A. Kuzma A. Moczulska E. Roszkowska J. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii, Warszawie. [Defense mechanisms in paranoid schizophrenia].Psychiatria Polska. 25(6):1-5, 1991. A group of 90 hospitalized patients suffering from paranoid schizophrenia were examined and than compared with parallel group of 90 healthy volunteers. The following methods of examinations were used: Plutchick's LSI-Test, Spilberger's STAI-Test, Szustowa's Egocentric Association Test and an Inventory of Self-Description by Lukaszewski. The results indicate that schizophrenic patients in comparison to healthy persons use the specific defense mechanisms (rationalization and negation) more often and have higher level of egocentrism. On the other hand both groups can be characterised by a low level of ability to change "ego".


Bidzan L. II Kliniki Chorob Psychicznych AM Gdansku. [Time perception (chronognosis) in mental disorders].Psychiatria Polska. 25(6):11-5, 1991. The study proposes an evaluation of one of the parameters of psychological time--the rhythm of time--established by simple experimental methods. 43 persons were studied. The results obtained show that there are differences between persons with psychopathological symptoms and healthy group.


Nasierowski T. Katedry i Kliniki Psychiatrii Akademii Medycznej, Warszawie. [The role of Tworki psychiatric hospital in the development of Polishpsychiatric thought. The psychiatric trends represented in Tworki'scentury-long experience].Psychiatria Polska. 25(6):16-22, 1991.


Karys W. Domanowska Z. Biblioteki Naukowej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii, Warszawie. [Polish psychiatric bibliography 1988. ].Psychiatria Polska. 25(6):33-70, 1991.


Lipska B. Webel L. Sztaniszlav D. Olajos S. Beljajeva R. Instytut Psychiatrii i Neurologii Warszawie. [Monitoring of diazepam treatment: comparison of the results of gaschromatography and radioreceptor methods].Psychiatria Polska. 25(6):6-10, 1991. 26 patients with generalized anxiety disorder have been treated with diazepam (20 mg/24h) for 3 weeks. Blood samples were taken on the days of clinical assessment (before treatment and on the 7th, 14th, 21st day). Determination of drug level was performed parallelly by RRA and GC. The results obtained by both methods agreed well. The intra- and interindividual variations were high. We conclude that diazepam can adequately be measured by both techniques.


Rydzynski Z. Dietrich-Muszalska A. Instytutu Higieny Psychicznej WAM, Lodzi. [Psychosocial functioning of children and adolescents dependent on inhalationof toxic substances].Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):106-9, 1991. Fifty persons of the age of 13 to 18 who had been stuffing themselves with steams of solvents, were medically examined. There were used medical (psychiatrical, neurological, internal) and psychological examinations--with the D. Weschler's scale of intelligence and questionnaire interviews obtaining from those who underwent the examinations and their parents. It was stated that the beginning of the intoxication was mostly preceded by the difficulties in social adjustment. Number of inter-related negative elements of biological and psychosocial nature were at the base of those difficulties from among which the substantial part was taken by disturbed family conditions and irregularly formed (for various reasons) personality of those peoples. The dependency was followed with more and more intensified social difficulties.


Baudis P. Mudra M. Smutna R. Skoda C. Forschungsinstitut fur Psychiatrie, Praha-Bohnice. [The psychiatric patient in general practice]. [German]Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):110-4, 1991.


Gruszczynski W. Instytutu Higieny Psychicznej WAM. [Encephalopathy after brain injuries during birth in the light of a 25-yearfollow-up].Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):115-22, 1991. In the years 1916-1989.  104 men (68% boys examined in the 60th) of the average age of 36 underwent catamnestic examinations. They were stated in 1960-62, according to clinical documentation of delivery to have the birth brain injury. The main aim of the work was to try to explain whether the particular disturbances of children and teenagers with M.B.D. are only passing episodes or they transfer into the psychic disturbances when patients grow up, and also to find out if there is any relation between them. The results of the examination after 25 years proved but the organic irreversible damage of the central nervous system in 71% of men and in 60% of cases the birth injury was the only factor and in the rest ones it was one of many reasons. The clinical manifestation of the diagnosed organic brain damage after the birth injury in the case of grown-ups were: wrong developed personality mainly in the emotional sphere, psychosomatic diseases with aggravated vegetative reactions, incorrect results of additional tests and also disability to functioning in society with social unfitness. In the light of the examinations it seems that birth brain injury is a very important risk factor for unfitness to modern civilization.


Kozlowska ZE. Instytutu Higieny Psychicznej Wojskowej Akademii Medycznej, Lodzi. [Evaluation of mental status of children with malabsorption syndrome afterlong-term treatment with gluten-free diet (preliminary report)].Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):130-4, 1991. The author examined 41 children, suffering from celiac disease with psychiatric methods and EEG. The children, aged 7-17 y., were many years on gluten-free diets. Various psychiatric symptoms were found in 48.8%, and EEG abnormalities in 70.7%. Only 9 children (21.9%) were free from any psychiatric disorders and EEG abnormalities.


Rabe-Jablonska J. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Katedry Psychiatrii AM, Lodzi. [Etiopathogenesis, symptomatology and the course of depressive disorders inchildren and adolescents].Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):135-40, 1991. The study presents results of ++longitudinal studies (retro- and prospective) of depressive disorders in children and adolescents. The etiology, clinical course and frequency of various clinical pictures of these disorders is presented. Organic brain disorders and latent forms of endogenous depression in children and adolescents are considered alike.


Rabe-Jablonska J. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Katedry Psychiatrii AM, Lodzi. [Organic depressive disorders in children and adolescents].Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):141-7, 1991. This study presents frequency of organic depressive disorders in children and adolescents, their clinical manifestations and clinical course. The effects of coexisting organic brain lesion on clinical presentation and course of inorganic depressive disorders evaluated as well.


Sklodowski H. Zakladu Psychologii Klinicznej Instytutu Higieny Psychicznej WAM. [The clinical psychologist and diagnosis and therapy of psycho- somatic andsomatic diseases].[11]Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):169-75, 1991.


Bogdanowicz E. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii. [The course of bipolar disorder before the manifestation of the first manicstage].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):70-5, 1991. May-Aug.The study aimed to establish prognostic considerations for the course of bipolar affective disorder from its onset till first manic phase in persons in whom depression was that first clinical phase of the disorder. Studied group comprised of 80 patients (34 males and 46 females) with the disorder lasting for 11 to 50 years. Within the evaluated period as positive prognostic factors were identified an early onset of the disorder (before 30 years of age), a short (lasting less than 3 months) first depressed phase and a long (above 5 years) first remission. In women and in persons who had lost their parents before 14 years of age the course of disorder was more severe as indicated by duration and frequency of depressed phases. The time of duration of the disorder until the first manic phase was not influenced by pharmacotherapy. Both, treated and untreated depressions more frequently ended with remission (77% of episodes) than switch to mania (23% of episodes). Perris' criterion for diagnosis of unipolar affective disorder has rather limited value since in almost half of the studied individuals a risk of occurrence of a manic phase following three successive depressed phases still existed and diagnosis was still an open question.


Koszewska I. Puzynski S. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii. [Transition from the depressive stage to the manic stage during the treatmentwith antidepressive drugs].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):76-82, 1991. May-Aug.The effects of antidepressant drugs on phase switching was studied in 602 individuals treated for endogenous depression. Altogether 869 depressed phases were evaluated retrospectively--there were 470 depressed phases in the course of bipolar affective disorder and 399 of unipolar disorder or with the undefined course. Switching from depression to mania was observed in patients with bipolar disorder--in 27.9% of cases of bipolar depression and in 21.5% of bipolar patients. Most frequently the switching was observed during management of depressed phase with amitriptyline (24.4% of treatments with this drug). The results point to a role of cholinergic system in pathophysiology of switching out of depression into mania during treatment with antidepressant drug.


Nasierowski T. Matsumoto H. Kaminska-Kopicz E. Babiuch L. Kliniki Psychiatrycznej A.M., Warszawie. [Neuropsychological disorders in patients with symptomatic AIDS treated in1990.  at the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Clinic, Medical Academy,Warsaw].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):1-8, 1991. Material of this study consists of data collected during treatment of HIV infected patients admitted to AIDS Clinic in Warsaw. This unit, as the first in Poland, hospitalized seropositive patients with various infectious problems. Psychiatric complication of HIV infection (which needed psychotropic medication) was already observed in the first patient, who died with AIDS diagnosis (in February, 1987. ). In this study data concerning patients in AIDS Clinic during 1990.  are presented. In this time 89 HIV seropositive patients (11 of these were women) were admitted to the clinic. Fifty two patients (10 of them were women) were IV drug abusers. Other 33 patients were homosexual (among them 4 IV drug abusers). Eight patients were out of high risk groups for HIV infection. Twelve of 89 patients were newly AIDS diagnosed. Three of them were IV drug abusers. Nine of AIDS patients (one a drug abuser) died in 1990. In six of 12 patients with AIDS diagnosis (50%) neuropsychiatric disorders were stated: depressive syndromes (n = 2), dementia syndromes with severe neurological symptoms (n = 2), delirium syndromes (n = 2). Other 3 person were IV drug abusers. In this study all above mentioned cases and their treatment are described. Our data suggest that HIV seropositive patients with psychiatric disorders need very careful diagnosis and an individual therapeutic intervention.


Ruszczynska B. Semetkowska-Jurkiewicz E. Burka M. Krupa-Wojciechowska B. II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Instytutu Chorob Wewnetrznych AM, Gdansku. [Evaluation of mental status of patients with diabetes mellitus type 1 inrelation to the duration of the illness].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):23-31, 1991. Personality features of 38 men (mean age 31 +/- 7 years) with the diagnosis of the type I diabetes mellitus and 23 healthy subjects of similar age were assessed by MMPI. Diabetics in addition were examined by means the Potential Intelligence Test (TPI). MMPI profiles of three groups of the examines were significantly different and suggested that the circumstances of diabetes mellitus type I and the duration of the disease could be responsible for the changes in the mental state of the patients.


Jarzebska E. Pietraszko M. Szober B. Katedry Nerologii AM, Wroclawiu. [Clinical picture of neuropsychological disorders in dementia].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):38-43, 1991. We analysed the construction of neuropsychological disorders in the group of 50 demented patients diagnosed according the DSM III. Examination included clinical state, eeg, CT, observations of Hachinski's test and some psychological methods estimating social or occupational functioning, orientation, memory, thinking, perception and copying figures, emotional state. We have not found synonymous agreement between a degree of dementia and movement, CT and eeg disorders. From the psychical functions impairment most frequently were: disorders of recent memory, perception and copying figures as well as thinking. Emotional difficulty not be a rule.


Slawinska JB. Staniszek AJ. Woronowicz BT. Zakladu Badan nad Alkoholizmem i Toksykomaniami Instytut Psychiatrii iNeurologii, Warszawie. [Alcohol drinking among students and behavior disorders].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):44-9, 1991. The study concerns relationship between the amount of consumed alcohol (vodka), related to blood alcohol concentration, and behaviour, 1255 students (670 men and 585 women) were studied. Probable alcohol concentration and resulting behavioral signs were assumed basing of B. Leonhard's model (1983. ). The analysis of the results revealed that 33% of women and 12% of men did not use vodka. Most proportion of men (about 25%) will have blood alcohol level in the range 0.09-0.12% and similar group (about 25%) will have above 0.3% alcohol in blood judging from the volume of used vodka. Most women (30%) will have alcohol level 0.03% and 0.05%. These alcohol levels will cause a state easily detected by police testing equipment, and presenting in behavioral terms with lowering of self-control and self-criticism. At the same time the person have a feeling of increased efficiency leading to increased risk of traffic and work accidents.


Nasierowski T. Kliniki Psychiatrycznej A.M., Warszawie. [Schizophreniform disorder in a patient with ARC syndrome].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):91-3, 1991.


Sep-Kowalikowa B. Borys B. Katedy i I Kliniki Chorob Psychiatrycznych AMG. [Schizophreniform psychosis in a patient with idiopathic calcinosis of thebasal ganglia].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):94-8, 1991.


Nasierowski J. Kliniki Psychiatrycznej A.M., Warszawie. [AIDS-related ethical problems. A psychiatric aspect].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):99-101, 1991.


Mazur A. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Katedry Psychiatrii Akademii Medycznej, Lodzi. [Effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment of alcoholics].Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):183-9, 1991.


Beresewicz M. Bidzinska E. Koszewska I. Puzynski S. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii. [Results of using tricyclic antidepressive drugs in the treatment ofendogenous depression (comparative analysis of 7 drugs)].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):13-8, 1991. May-Aug.A group of 250 patients with endogenous depression was studied. Amitriptyline proved to be the most effective drug (51% positive responses) followed by noxiptilin (50%), imipramine (42%), dibenzepin (43%). Clomipramine, desipramine, and nomifensine appeared to be the least effective. Demographic or clinical factors such as age, sex, type of affective illness, severity of depressive syndrome or its particular symptoms (depression, fear, anxiety, psychomotor impairment or biological rhythm alteration) did not show any potential for prediction of the treatment outcome. Worse therapeutic results were observed in patients who had already been given antidepressant treatment for the current depressive cycle before the assessment.


Hese RT. Sikora G. Zorawik M. Kotnis J. Oddzialu Psychiatrycznego Szpitala Gorniczego, Bytomiu. [What determines decreased mortality among patients treated for alcoholicdelirium?].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):50-5, 1991. The course and results of treatment of delirium tremens in 218 patients and pre-delirium syndrome in 569 patients treated in the Psychiatric Department of the Hospital for Miners in Bytom between 1966 and 1984.  was analysed. During this period there was found mitigation in the severity of the psychosis and a fall in the number of patients displaying the fully developed syndrome in relation to patients suffering from abortive forms (pre-delirium syndromes). Among the patients treated no deaths were noted. In the opinion of the authors the use of appropriate psychotropic drugs in patients with DT is only one of the many factors influencing the course of this psychosis. As important and often more important is intensive somatic treatment of patients in a severe general condition.


Matsumoto H. Rogucka A. Kliniki Psychiatrycznej A.M., Warszawie. [Hypersensitivity to psychotropic drugs in HIV carriers].[40]Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):67-75, 1991.


Gruszczynski W. Instytutu Higieny Psychicznej WAM, Lodzi. [Scientific, organizational and didactic achievements of Prof. ZdzislawRydzynski].Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):96-105, 1991.


Gebelt H. Neuropsychiatrische Klinik fur Kinder und Jugendliche, Karl-Marx-UniversitatLeipzig. [Paul Schroder's views on the typology of character as a contribution to thestudy of psychopathology of children and adolescents]. [German]Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):163-8, 1991.


Gollnitz G. Wydzialu Lekarskiego Uniwersytetu, Rostoku, Republika Federalna Niemiec. [Longitudinal studies of the development of personality--problems ofclassification].[5] [German]Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):151-6, 1991.


Rybakowski J. Linka M. Matkowski K. Kanarkowski R. Katedry i Kliniki Psychiatrii AM, Bydgoszczy. [Dexamethasone suppression test and the positive and negative symptoms ofschizophrenia].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):9-15, 1991. 40 patients (26 males, 14 females), aged 18-50 years, with diagnosis of schizophrenia were studied before the treatment for recurrence of acute schizophrenic symptom was started. All patients had dexamethasone suppression test (DST) and BPRS and Hamilton Depression Scale tests. Initial cortisol plasma concentration correlated positively with the intensity of productive symptoms measured by BPRS. The cortisol plasma level measured 17 hour after dexamethasone administration correlated negatively with the global symptom intensity in the BPRS. Pathological DST results were observed in 14 patients (35%). These patients presented lower intensity of psychopathological symptoms in the BPRS as compared to the remaining patients. The intensity of depression measured by Hamilton Scale did not show correlation with DST results. We conclude that in the schizophrenic patients during acute phase of the disease, the intensity of psychopathologic symptoms (mainly productive symptoms) is related to increased activity of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal-suprarenal axis which manifests itself with increased basal levels of plasma cortisol. Reactivity of this axis, with good suppression in the DST results seems to be normal. The intensity of depressive symptoms did not show significant relation to activity of the axis judging from DST results.


Gregor R. Oddzialu Psychiatrycznego Szpitala z poliklinika, Trinec Czecho-Slowacja. [Psychiatric rehabilitation in the aspect of a large psychiatricinstitution].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):86-90, 1991.


Bukowska I. Pankiewicz P. Zakladu Filozofii A.M., Gdansku. [Personalized concepts of the individual and a method of approach to thepsychiatric patient].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):80-5, 1991.


Nasierowska G. Nasierowski T. Naczelnego Sadu Administracyjnego, Warszawie. [AIDS--legal aspects].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):76-9, 1991.


Nasierowski T. Rogucka A. Matsumoto H. Kliniki Psychiatrycznej A.M., Warszawie. [Mental disorders in AIDS. Does HIV psychosis exist?].[40]Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):56-66, 1991.


Pierzchala K. Klosinska E. II Katedry i Kliniki Neurologii Sl. AM, Zabrzu. [Mental efficiency of the progeny of men with epilepsy].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):32-7, 1991. 58 men treated for epilepsy, average age 38.5, and their 100 children aged on average 11.2 were subjected to psychological tests adapted to patients age. Mental effectiveness test (IQ) were based on WHO criteria for Wechsler Scale. Among the epileptic patients 77.6% presented normal IQ tests results, whereas 5.6% were mentally retarded. In the children group, 85% achieved normal IQ tests results. The proportion of mentally retarded children (5%) was higher than in general population. The results below the normal range of IQ were significantly more frequently observed in children whose fathers themselves achieved low IQ (p less than 0.05) or had severe form of epilepsy (p less than 0.025) or in children from families with poor socioeconomic status (p less than 0.025).


Basinska M. Rybakowski J. Katedry i Kliniki Psychiatrii AM, Bydgoszczy. [Rorschach test and the positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia].Psychiatria Polska. 25(5):16-22, 1991. 37 patients (21 men, 26 women) during treatment for schizophrenia were studied with Rorschach test, BPRS and Hamilton Depression Scale. In 12 patients Rorschach test results were not interpreted because of scant answers--these patients manifested more psychopathology, especially depressive and defective symptoms. In 25 patients, in whom the interrelationships between the applied tests were studied, the results indicated that the intensity of psychopathologic symptoms showed positive correlation with the analytically-scrupulous thinking; the intensity of productive symptoms correlated with the interests in other people. The finding was more pronounced among the male patients which may suggest some dependency of schizophrenic thought disorder on patients sex. The intensity of depressive symptoms measured by Hamilton Scale showed positive correlation with the index of thinking correctness but negative correlation with impoverishment of internal and external activity. The results suggest that depressive symptoms in the course of schizophrenia may significantly influence Rorschach test results.


Walecka W. Habrat E. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii. [Cognitive functions and the effectiveness of drug therapy in patients withendogenous depression].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):96-104, 1991. May-Aug.Studies conducted on a group of 27 patients with endogenous depression demonstrated that measurements of dynamics of changes in memory function, attention concentration and task performance during administration of antidepressants have only a limited potential for prediction of the treatment efficiency. No significant differences in successive tests of memory function during drug administration were observed in a subgroup of patients responding positively to antidepressant treatment (subgroup R). In a subgroup of nonresponders (subgroup NR) a worsening of results of memory tests following a sleepless night lasted longer. In tests of attention concentration the subgroup R have shown a gradual improvement of results in successive test and the subgroup NR displayed a significant improvement of results in these tests only after 42 days of treatment. In the Kraepelin's test both groups displayed a significant improvement of results in relation to their baseline level, however the improvement was more pronounced in the subgroup R. The dynamics of changes of cognitive functioning in patients with endogenous depression did not reveal any linear association with the reduction of depressive symptoms.


Walecka W. Habrat E. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii. [Changes in cognitive functions after sleep deprivation as a prognosticindicator of drug therapy of endogenous depression].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):90-5, 1991. May-Aug.Studies performed on a group of 27 patients with endogenous depression demonstrated that changes of cognitive functions following sleep deprivation may reveal a prognostic potential for results of pharmacological treatment of depression. Worsening of memory following sleep deprivation was more frequently observed in a subgroup of nonresponders. Greater improvement of concentration and increased task mobilization were noticed in a subgroup which positively responded to the antidepressant treatment. Patient's age, sex, self-rating of depression intensity or baseline level of ability to memorize, to concentrate attention, to perform tasks did not exhibit any predictive value.


Puzynski S. Beresewicz M. Bidzinska E. Bogdanowicz E. Kalinowski A. Koszewska I. Swiecicki L. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii, Warszawie. [Reaction to sleep deprivation as a prognostic factor in the treatment ofendogenous depression].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):83-9, 1991. May-Aug.Studies conducted on a group of 38 patients with endogenous depression demonstrated that a reaction to sleep-deprivation presenting as improved well-being has a significant predictive potential for treatment with imipramine. Patients who displayed the reaction also significantly more frequently displayed improvement of clinical course (remission; good response). Risk of switching from depression to mania also increased among these patients. Patients responding to sleep-deprivation with improved well-being belonged mainly to the bipolar affective disorder. Neither clinical manifestations of depression, nor the number of relapses, nor the duration period of the disorder, nor basic demographic patterns did show distinct features; nor did they differ significantly from patients who did not respond to sleep-deprivation with improved well-being.


Stojek A. Kasprzak B. Slabikowski A. Poradni Zdrowia Psychicznego, Jastrzebiu-Zdroju. Intraocular pressure and prolactin measures in seasonal affective disorder.Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):8-12, 1991. May-Aug.To test further an original hypothesis of possible dampening of the hemodynamics of the eye in Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), the authors determined temporal organisation of both the intraocular pressure (IOP) and serum prolactin (PRL) values for ten seasonally depressed women and twelve sex- and age-matched controls during the late luteal phase of the menstrual cycle in winter (February through December). Recent studies suggest that low prolactin secretion may be a trait characteristic in SAD and this hormone is known to influence on transport mechanism of water and electrolytes from blood to aqueous humor. The SAD women had significantly lower IOP and PRL values than the control subjects at all four time points measured starting from 4.00 p.m. The authors discuss the implications of the finding of lowered IOP in relation to opposing roles of dopamine and serotonin in prolactin secretion in SAD.


Horodnicki JM. Warnecka-Przybylska M. Blonska J. Kobiernicka Z. Drechsler M. Katedry i Kliniki PAM, Szczecinie. [Evaluation of side effects and complications during the treatment ofaffective psychoses with thymoleptics].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):62-9, 1991. May-Aug.Evaluation of effects of amitriptyline, imipramine, maprotiline, mianserin , clomipramine and citalopram was performed in 84 patients (49 females and 35 males) age on average 40 years with diagnosis of affective psychosis treated in the Department of Psychiatry Medical School of Szczecin. Antidepressants independently from their pharmacological profile cause in above 50% of patients side effects mainly from autonomous nervous system. Tricyclic antidepressants caused some cardiotoxic effects which were not observed during administration of antidepressant drugs of different chemical structure, especially of citalopram. No effects on the haemopoietic system and on parenchymatous organs were observed. Neither were affected hypothalamic mechanisms for basal secretion of thyrotropic hormone, prolactin , cortisol and so ACTH. Multifactorial analysis of positive and untoward effects observed during the treatment shows comparable clinical value of all six evaluated drugs. A choice of a drug for an individual should depend on particular clinical contraindications.


Jakitowicz J. Magiera P. Smoczynski S. Katedry i I Kliniki Chorob Psychicznych AM, Gdansku. [Effect of thymoleptics on hemodynamic indicators and prediction of theeffectiveness of the treatment of endogenous depression].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):55-61, 1991. May-Aug.In 92 patients (22 females and 70 males) with unipolar affective disorder hemodynamic studies using a radiocardiographic method were performed during treatment of a depressed phase of illness with amitriptyline or doxepin or mianserin. Frequent presentation of hemodynamic disturbances (increased heart rate and increased blood pressure) in the course of endogenous depression was noticed. Thymoleptic treatment causes the disturbances to alter in a statistically significant manner which allows to predict the final treatment outcome. Total Peripheral Resistance Index (TPRI) reveals the highest prognostic potential.


Jakitowicz J. Magiera P. Smoczynski S. Katedry i I Kliniki Chorob Psychicznych AM, Gdansku. [Evaluation of the effect of mianserin om hemodynamic indicators in patientswith endogenous depression].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):51-4, 1991. May-Aug.30 patients (25 males and 5 females) treated clinically with mianserin for a depressive episode in the course of unipolar affective illness was examined for hemodynamic problems using a radiocardiographic method. After two weeks of treatment Total Peripheral Resistance Index (TPRI) and blood pressure diminished significantly compared to basal pretreatment levels. A clear decrease of TPRI during the treatment may be a positive prognostic sign.


Magiera P. Smoczynski S. Jakitowicz J. Katedry i I Kliniki Chorob Psychicznych AM, Gdansku. [Changes in hemodynamic indicators during doxepin therapy as a prognosticfactor in the treatment of endogenous depression].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):44-50, 1991. May-Aug.Hemodynamic studies with a radiocardiographic method were conducted in 28 male patients with unipolar affective disorder during treatment of a current depressed phase with doxepin. Total Peripheral Resistance Index (TPRI) indicated the best potential for prediction of hemodynamic tolerance to doxepin and of final treatment outcome.


Rode A. Bidzinski A. Puzynski S. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii. [GABA levels in the plasma of patients with endogenous depression and duringthe treatment with thymoleptics].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):4-7, 1991. May-Aug.The analysis of GABA levels in plasma of 28 normal persons and 25 patients with endogenous depression did not show any significant differences between both groups. Neither did we observe any differences in GABA levels in patients treated with antidepressant drugs before and after treatment, during a remission or a depression, in responders or nonresponders to treatment. The study did not indicate any results pointing to a role of gabaergic mechanisms in the pathophysiology of endogenous depression or in the action of tricyclic antidepressant drugs.


Slusarska M. Wojcik M. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii. [Physiological status of the body and prediction of the effectiveness of drugtherapy of depression. II. Physiological indicators of the reaction to sleepdeprivation].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):38-43, 1991. May-Aug.A study of pulse and breath rate, postural muscle tone and mood has been conducted in 30 patients with endogenous depression before and after night's sleep deprivation. Most patients who did respond to antidepressant treatment rated their mood following the sleepless night higher than on the preceding day. After the sleepless night their rate of breathing increased. In a subgroup of poor responders to the applied treatment breathing rhythm after sleepless night did not change and only a few patients found their mood changed following sleep deprivation. Decreased postural muscles tone was noticed in both subgroups of patients. Effects observed in the study may be related to a decreased anxiety level observed in the patients following treatment regimen.


Slusarska M. Wojcik M. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii. [Physiological status of the body and prediction of the effectiveness of drugtherapy of depression. I. Physiological indicators of the reaction toantidepressive drugs].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):32-7, 1991. May-Aug.Evaluation of pulse and breathing rhythm, postural muscle tone, mood and simple reaction time to auditory signal were conducted sevenfold in each of 35 patients with endogenous depression during the six weeks of antidepressant administration. Increased pulse and breath rate and improved mood on the third day of treatment differentiates good and poor responders to the applied treatment. A hypothesis concerning a possible role of observed changes in the balance of autonomous nervous system in the third day of treatment as a positive prognostic sign for the efficiency of medication is evaluated. It appears that mood self-rating on an analogous scale, breath rhythm and postural muscle tone may be used as new early indices of antidepressant drugs efficiency.


Beresewicz M. Bidzinska E. Koszewska I. Puzynski S. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii. [Early results of the treatment of endogenous depression with tricyclicantidepressive drugs and prognosis of their effectiveness].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):25-31, 1991. May-Aug.Evaluation of a group of 250 patients with endogenous depression in the course of affective illness suggest that reactions of patients to tricyclic antidepressants in an early phase of the treatment may supply interesting prognostic data. Improvement of mental state (reduction of the Hamilton Depression Scale score) on the seventh day and especially on the 14th day of treatment points to a high probability of positive response to the treatment. Lack of such a reaction or worsening of the mental state in the early phase of pharmacotherapy (on the seventh day) frequently is an early sign of lack of positive response to the treatment. The survey considered following antidepressant drugs: amitriptyline, noxiptilin, clomipramine, dibenzepin and desipramine.


Bogdanowicz E. Kalinowski A. Swiecicki L. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii. [Treatment of depression with intravenous infusions of clomipramine andmaprotiline].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):19-24, 1991. May-Aug.28 patients aged from 31 to 69 years with endogenous depression were studied. All cases were drug-resistant i.e. they did not improve after a treatment with tricyclic antidepressants and in four cases also after electroconvulsive therapy. The group were managed with intravenous infusions of clomipramine or maprotiline followed by oral administration of the drug. Clomipramine was given i.v. at doses 75-300 mg daily for 7 to 16 days and maprotiline at 75-200 mg daily for 6 to 20 days. Remission of depressive symptoms was observed in 43% of cases and the first signs of improvement were observed on tenth day of the treatment. Tolerance to both drugs given parenterally in majority of cases was satisfactory. Half of the group did not show any untoward events. The rest of the group displayed local tissue reactions, both increased and decreased blood pressure, weakness, drowsiness, anxiety, vertigo, hyperpyretic reactions. Four patients had the treatment discontinued because of local tissue reactions or increased blood pressure or hyperpyretic reactions.


Rutkowski R. Sobkowiak J. Kliniki Psychiatrii Sadowej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii, Warszawie. [Ethical problems of insanity].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):119-24, 1991. May-Aug.


Rybakowski J. Matkowski K. Linka M. Kasprowicz-Dabrowiecka A. Kanarkowski R. Lehmann W. Krzyzanowski M. Katedry i Kliniki Psychiatrii AM, Bydgoszczy. [Monitoring of the treatment of endogenous depression with imipramine andamitriptyline (preliminary report)].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):111-8, 1991. May-Aug.Monitored treatment of a depressed phase of unipolar affective disorder was conducted in 11 female patients receiving imipramine and in 12 females taking amitriptyline. Patients were randomly assigned to one of the drug and in 6 patients the drugs were switched because of the lack of response to the first used compound. In the imipramine treated group a satisfactory response after 4 weeks of management (less than 6 points on Hamilton's depression scale) was observed in 6 patients and in amitriptyline treated group in 5 patients. Patients displaying a satisfactory response to amitryptyline had significantly higher--as compared to remaining patients in the group--plasma levels of the drug after two and four weeks of treatment. Such an association was not observed in patients treated wtih imipramine. Severity of depression and motor retardation before the treatment was similar both in patients with satisfactory and with poor response to imipramine as well as to amitriptyline. However the intensity of anxiety symptoms was higher in patients exhibiting poor response to treatment with amitriptyline and imipramine as well.


Habrat E. Walecka W. II Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii. [Personality characteristics as a prognostic factor in using antidepressivedrugs in endogenous depression].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):105-10, 1991. May-Aug.The study aimed to test usefulness of personality patterns for prediction of efficacy of antidepressant drugs in patients with endogenous depression. No association between a positive response to treatment and such personality traits as neuroticism, extraversion, nervous system reactivity or MMPI clinical scales profile was demonstrated. A positive response to the pharmacological treatment was significantly more frequently observed in persons characterized by a capability to control expression of mental symptoms (subscale Cn in MMPI). A lack of response to treatment was more frequently observed in persons demonstrating high scores in lie scales of MMPI and MPI and characterized by higher score in Re (responsibility) subscale of MMPI.


Nowicki Z. Galuszko P. Landowski J. Katedry i I Klinik Chorob Psychicznych AM, Gdansku. [EEG sleep patterns and biogenic amine metabolizing enzymes in patients withendogenous depression].Psychiatria Polska. 25(3-4):1-3, 1991. May-Aug.Polygraphic sleep patterns as well as monoamine oxidase (MAO) and aldehyde reductase (AR) activity in blood platelets were assessed in 16 patients with endogenous depression. Results subjected to factor analysis revealed four essential factors. One of the factors was significantly loaded with MAO and AR activity as well as with REM latency and phasic REM percentage.


Vencovsky E. Psychiatric University Clinic, Pilsen. Introduction to the organically based therapies.Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):190-5, 1991. The author presents his whole-life experience with biological treatment of mental disorders. He qualified 50 years ago in 1933 and has been psychiatrist for 50 years. During his practice extending over half a century he tested personally and clinical work all biological therapeutic procedures in psychiatry, starting with treatment by pharmacogenic sleep, all types of shock therapy, psychosurgery, modern psychiatric pharmacotherapy as well as possibilities of contemporary prevention of psychiatric diseases by thymoprophylaxis . In this chapter the author presents a chronological review of different types and forms of biological therapy in psychiatry and his own views on the therapeutic effectiveness on different methods of biologically oriented psychiatric therapy.


Obara-Korzeniewska A. Obara Z. Instytutu Higieny Psychicznej Wojskowej Akademii Medycznej, Lodzi. [Basic aspects of sexual activity during military service].[38]Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):176-82, 1991.


Doner K. Westfalischen Klinik fur Psychiatrie, Psychosomatik und Neurologie Gutersloh,Republika Federalna Niemiec. [Crisis intervention in cases of attempted suicide].[0][German]Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):157-62, 1991.


Rydzynski Z. Kozlowska ZE. Instytutu Higiny Psychicznej Wojskowej Akademii Medycznej. [Deontological problems of child psychiatry].[0]Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):148-50, 1991.


Sklodowski H. Zboralski K. Zakladu Psychologii Klinicznej, Instytut Higieny Psychicznej WojskowejAkademii Medycznej, Lodzi. [The role of psychological examinations of candidates for the MilitaryMedical Academy].Psychiatria Polska. 25(2):123-9, 1991. The basic purpose of the work was determination of personality factors of the lack of adaptation ability in the academy and the same time checking the usefulness of psychological prognosis in the range of adaptative abilities at the Military Medical Academy. R.B. Cattell's Personality Questionnaire and H. Gough's Psychological Investory were applied in the investigations in the period of recruitment. Conclusions point explicitly to the dependence between the level of maturity of the personality structure and adaptative abilities and confirm the usefulness of psychological prognosis in the time of the selection of candidates to Military Medical Academy.


Tomaszewicz-Libudzic C. Jagielska G. Komender J. Popielarska M. Kliniki Psychiatrii A.M. w Warszawie. [XYY syndrome from the viewpoint of child psychiatry].Psychiatria Polska. 25(1):78-81, 1991.


Langer D. III Kliniki Psychiatrycznej Instytutu Psychiatrii i Neurologii. [A case of fear of AIDS].Psychiatria Polska. 25(1):75-7, 1991.


Kwiatkowska GE. Zakladu Psychologii Ogolnej Instytutu Psychologii UMCS w Lublinie. [Psychotherapy and the patient].Psychiatria Polska. 25(1):70-4, 1991.



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