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..:: Objawy depresji i lęku u pacjentek z zaburzeniami odżywiania się 43 ::..
Objawy depresji i lęku u pacjentek z zaburzeniami odżywiania się 43

Anna Brytek
Objawy depresji i lęku u pacjentek z zaburzeniami odżywiania się 43
Depression and anxiety symptoms in patients with eating disorders 43

Autorka przedstawia wyniki własnej pracy badawczej, której celem było odkrycie zależności
pomiędzy objawami depresji i lęku a występowaniem jadłowstrętu i bulimii psychicznej oraz
poznawczo-behawioralnymi aspektami zaburzeń odżywiania się. Badaniami objęto 60 pacjentek z
rozpoznaniem zaburzeń odżywiania się. W badaniach wykorzystano Szpitalną Skalę Lęku i Depresji
(Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS) opracowaną przez Zigmonda i Snaitha oraz
Inwentarz Zaburzeń Odżywiania się (Eating Disorder Inventory, EDI) Garnera, Olmsteda i Polivy.
Aim: The study is aimed at an attempt to evaluate the intensity of depression and anxiety symptoms
and psychological and behavioural traits common in anorexia and bulimia nervosa. The second aim of
this study was to evaluate the relationship between depression and anxiety symptoms and disordered
eating behaviours.
Method: The study involved 60 patients with eating disorders according to ICD-10 criteria and DSM
IV, and a control group consisting of 60 students. The study methods included the Hospital Anxiety
and Depression Scale by Zigmond and Snaith (1983) and the Eating Disorder Inventory by Garner,
Olmsted and Polivy (1983).
Results: The patients with bulimia nervosa reported significantly more symptoms of depression and
anxiety than the control group and patients with anorexia nervosa. In the clinical sample of adolescents
with eating disorders the depression symptoms were increased with drive for thinness, bulimia,
ineffectiveness, interoceptive awareness and maturity fears. The anxiety symptoms in patients with
eating disorders were dependent on the drive for thinness, bulimia, interpersonal distrust and
interoceptive awareness.
Conclusion: Depression and anxiety disorders should be regarded as essential clinical appearances and
taken into account in psychotherapeutic and pharmacological treatment of eating disorders.


Lista artykułów w numerze :
Numer: 3
Wydany: 2006-12-30
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