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..:: Kontekst skierowania do leczenia i przebieg konsultacji rodzinnej a gotowość podjęcia terapii rodzinnej 25 ::..
Kontekst skierowania do leczenia i przebieg konsultacji rodzinnej a gotowość podjęcia terapii rodzinnej 25
Barbara Józefik, Małgorzata Wolska
Kontekst skierowania do leczenia i przebieg konsultacji rodzinnej a gotowość podjęcia terapii rodzinnej      25
Summary The aim of the study was to analyse the familial and social context of the patients and their families referred to the Family Therapy Unit of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of CM UJ, Kraków. The study was based on the first referral interview and the first consultation family session. The assumption was that the obtained results allow us to describe which families and social factors are connected with the motivation towards the treatment based on family therapy. The results of the study show that motivation to participate in family therapy is connected with short duration of the illness and proper referrals (by psychiatrist or other specialist). Also parents' feelings of helplessness in dealing with their child's problem, and partly the specificity of their child's symptoms play a vital role. In the case when the problems and symptoms lasted more than 2 years, even when a family participates in a family consultation, family members are not ready to start family therapy. It can be said that the patient's problems and symptom chronicity is maintained by parents' and patients' difficulties in understanding the psychological, family and social context of the symptoms, medical model of the illness, late searching for professional help in solving problems.

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Numer: 3
Wydany: 2004-09-01
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